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The Specialty Coffee Book NSW

Our second addition to The Specialty Coffee Book series showcases Sydney’s best coffee makers and cafes throughout New South Wales. Join us on a journey from farm to cup, nurturing an in-depth understanding of coffee’s fine and wide-ranging features.

No matter where you are, there is a passionate barista hidden behind an espresso machine, ready to make you the best coffee possible. Don’t waste a shot on anything mediocre – Australia serves some of the best roasted beans in the world.

It really is the difference between the old flagon of wine and a great Grange. We have cupped coffee from one end of New South Wales to the other, and found coffee’s Grange equivalent for you. Specialty – yes. But even better than specialty: coffee with heart and soul.

Great taste and flavour in every cup, that’s what we are looking for now our taste buds are primed. Pumped to seek better and better coffee every day.

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