86pts: Rose water, clean, floral, COE winning producer
Mario GonzalezVarietal: Catuai / Catimor
WashedAltitude: 1500-1750m
Before 2006, Finca El Avión had never sprouted a coffee tree. These days it gives us impressive specialty coffee and CM Selections lots each year. Located in Mozonte at 1500masl, this farm harvests late in the Nicaraguan coffee season, meaning cherries ripen for a long time and are full of nutrients and sweetness. The catuai and catimor varieties that grow here thrive beneath the shade of huge pine trees, with fallen pine needles providing organic matter and also ground cover for the soil. With an agronomist in the Gonzalez family the soil is impeccably cared for and the trees are lush and healthy. And working alongside Bridazul and Project Origin since 2017 they deliver consistent specialty green coffee beans each year, including microlots and coffees in our CM Selections range
We are connected with farms like this through our local partners, Bridazul.
Mario and his family work closely with our local partners in Nicaragua, Bridazul. ‘Brid’ commonly refers to a cable tie or clamp, but a more general meaning is ‘to tie’ or ‘to connect’. ‘Azul’ means blue and is the dominant colour on the Nicaraguan flag. The combination of these words is used to symbolise the connection between what happens at a coffee farm with the end user and being able to trace and understand every step along the way.
About Bridazul
Bridazul is committed to securing fair value for producers through considering the cost of production and quality of the coffee and commits to not selling coffees in a way that loses money for the producers, as this is not sustainable long term. Simultaneously, where coffee quality is high but cost of production is not, the pricing is not
exaggerated unnecessarily. This helps build relationships between buyers and producers that are mutually beneficial long term, where both parties can feel secure and justified in their part of the sale.
Founders of Bridazul, Claudia and Tim, work with producers such as Mario to encourage connection, community and information sharing. By doing this, they aim to help producers throughout Dipilto to increase the quality of their coffees and provide more for their communities.
About El Avión
Mario Gonzalez’s farm El Avión, meaning ‘the plane’, is located in the region of Mozonte in Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua. Before 2006, the land that currently supports the El Avion coffee farm was used for forestry, particularly pine trees. In that year, the production of timber in the area was significantly reduced by law, so the Gonzalez family made the momentous decision to move into producing coffee.
On land never touched by a coffee plant, the Gonzalez family started from scratch and transformed the pine forest plantation into a fantastic coffee farm. Assisted by Mario’s son-in-law Jario, a qualified agronomist, the family planted a range of trees beneath the shade of the large conifers. The shade from these large trees provides ample conditions for growing the coffee plants, and the fallen pine needles provide ample ground covering that does not affect the amount of rainwater the plants can receive.
Mario and his family grow catuai and catimor at El Avión and use a variety of processing methods for single and mixed lots of these varietals. Using washed, natural and carbonic maceration processing, El Avión offers a range of flavour profiles and expressions of the farm and of the Mozonte region. The carbonic maceration coffees are processed with the help of Project Origin and Bridazul. Since 2019, Project Origin and Bridazul have collaborated on a joint initiative committed to improving the livelihoods and incomes of coffee producers in Nueva Segovia through improvement of farming practices and implementation of a range of carbonic maceration processing techniques, and they help craft the beautiful coffees from Mario’s El Avión.